Which Way is it to the Cliffs?  Ep #35

Which Way is it to the Cliffs? Ep #35

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No matter where you’re headed in Ireland, chances are if you ask for directions, you’ll get a handful of routes to follow. They will all get you where you’re going. As in life, some routes are quicker than others and those others are likely more scenic.

It’s easy to get a bit lost, but almost always those trips lead to adventures along the way.

In episode #35 of Erin’s Isle, you’ll hear how the locals explain directions, and get a look at the different sorts of signs in Ireland. I mean, at the Cliffs of Moher, there are picture signs telling you not to climb the fences, not to trip and which way to head to find a castle or a tower. You don’t see those in the United States.

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Along the roadways you even see signs with nothing but an exclamation mark on them. They mean extreme road conditions ahead. And they are automatically recognizable in any language.


Hear the directions, learn about the Cliffs of Moher and see the signs here. All that plus A Broad Abroad, in episode #35 of Erin’s Isle.

Ep 36: Celtic Connections

Ep 36: Celtic Connections

Ep 34: Sweet Success from Dingle

Ep 34: Sweet Success from Dingle