I just Don't Get It!

Okay, I admit `I got used to it when my kids were little. You know the idea of washing socks and never getting all the socks put in the washer, back out of the dryer. Where do they go?

I remember thinking the smartest thing to do was to buy all the socks the same. You know all the dress sox black and all the athletic socks white so they’d all match at some point. But that never quite worked out either.

Here in Ireland, I am the only one. All the socks are mine. And still they never quite match up after I do laundry. I don’t get it. I feel like I put them into the wash as a pair…yet they never all come out that way.

This passed week it was an obvious problem.


And yet after a second load of laundry where `I was sure the extras would surface I was left with this array of only one sock a pair.

 I really don’t get it. After the second load I had an extra one with dots?????