Does Anybody Else Do This?

Don't you hate it when you spend time dashing around the house looking for something and it turns up in someplace that probably should have been the first to look?  It's no secret that I lose a lot of things. Organization has never been much of a strong point for me. I realize I make up for that in other ways. But it gets old sometimes, even for me.

That's why I've had to establish specific places for things like glasses and keys when I come in. If not I could spend half hour looking for them. And I have even had to do that in the wee house here. I seriously can reach the kitchen counter and the tiny refrigerator here as I sit at the small kitchen table. And from this same spot I can reach the other arm within inches of the kitchen door. So how can things get away from me?

Well this is one way.

That's right, coming in the door I've been known to just leave the keys in it. I did that a few times at home in Reno and the kids found them. Here I got up this morning and couldn't find the keys but as I went out the door to do laundry...there they were.

My kids think it's dangerous. I'd have to argue in Reno, maybe it is. But here, my wee house is in the backyard of a much bigger house and you'd have to either come through the big house to the back yard to get in here....or through a locked garden door. So I think someone coming in is the least of my worries. And let's face it, I don't have much to steal.

The real annoyance was just in the time it took me searching the wee house and coat pockets to realize they weren't even in here. Thy were right outside my door.