The End of an Era
If you are reading this column on my blog it is because the Reno Gazette Journal has decided not to print it for me at home. So thank you for taking the time to visit this blog and thank you for all of your support over all these the years. I had hoped to explain why my column will no longer be there, rather than just disappearing. Apparently my column is a casualty of low readership. But I’ll never stop writing. So you can find my stories here, and I will continue to try and find a local publication to reach the faithful in Reno.
I could get used to this. But I plan to be back in Reno in late April.
In 2000, I was one of 13 employees swept out the door in a downsizing at KOLO-TV. It was the first time I’d ever been let go from anything and I was dumbfounded, heartbroken and lost. I went on to be downsized by KNPB in budget cuts five years later and to learn to take such setbacks in stride. I’ve still never been let go for any kind of cause, just no longer needed. And that is something you can’t fight. It has taught me that you have to appreciate your past, live in the moment and keep an eye to the future.
Back in 2000, when I was so lost, one person who believed in me was Rollan Melton at the RGJ. When I called him for advice, he invited me to write a column for his paper. It was never a full time job, but it was a vote of confidence that I sorely needed at the time. Those of you who read this space regularly know that that led to a whole new path for me writing for papers, magazines, radio and anywhere who would have me. I had always written for TV and KTVN was happy to have me when they had an opening.
I have always loved writing about my family, my kids and my adventures through life. I’ve always viewed it as writing about things we can all relate to. Whether it was the birth of my kids, the antics at Club Breen, divorce, or the loss of my parents, I’ve always felt that writing about my own experiences hit a chord with a lot of you, who were going through the very same things. We’re all in this life together.
I realize that my travels to Ireland may be a bit out of the local community now, and anyone who reads me knows I write about what I am actually going through. I’ve heard from a lot of you, met up with some of you for pints here and will still hold true to that offer if you come this way. However, this will be the end of seeing this column published in the RGJ. Again, not my choice, but something I do accept.
I have asked for one last column here to be able to say thank you again to the late Rollan Melton for believing in me almost 20 years ago, to thank those at the paper now for running my columns even after he was gone and to all of you for reading them. But we have come to the end of an era.
I thought it only fair to let you know why you won’t be seeing me here in the paper, to let you know that you can still find my work at that you can contact me there, keep up with my adventures and of course let me know if you are coming this way for a pint
Thank you so very much for so many years.
Erin Meehan Breen is a freelance writer currently based in Galway, Ireland. You can find her work at