Is seaweed the new kale?
Seaweed is something who’s potential is just being realized. In Ireland they’ve always known of it’s nutrients. In fact some say seaweed was responsible for keeping so many people alive back during the famine. It looks a bit yucky…but it’s a bounty of nutrition. And the Irish still use is for drinks to soften a cold and calm a cough and for a bit of extra healthfulness in everything from salads, to soups, to stews.
Harvest it, rinse it, dry it, eat it.
And the Connemara Seaweed Company in Rossaveal is cashing in on that craze. Noel Lee has always used it, but it wasn’t until about five years ago he decided to go full seaweed on producing it.
Noel Lee of the Connemara Seaweed Company.
“I have about 10 harvesters who collect 13 different types. We rinse it, dry it and mill it. That’s it,” he says. He has a facility where he can dry up to a ton a day on racks, he mills it into a powder for seasoning. Some varieties are bit sweet and you use them for taste, other you can drop into soups and stews to pump up the nutrients and your kids would never know it was healthier.
It’s sold all over Ireland and throughout Europe. And it’s so versatile I’m seriously thinking it will be the next Kale. Hot yoga, nut juice and seaweed could very well be the next health craze. And Ireland will be way ahead of the curve!