The Books and Bells of Inverness
The sights and sounds of Scotland would not be complete without a trip to Leakey’s Books. Not just because it is the largest second hand book store in Scotland…but because it is a book-lover’s spectacle to be sure. Stacks and stacks to explore, floors to search through, second hand books, maps, and prints that are hard to imagine. It is a paradise for readers.
It’s said his shop boasts 100,000 books. If you ask him though, he’ll tell you to count them yourself.
The view from above in Leakey’s Books
You can search any topic from music to money management; fiction to pharmceuticals and cooking to cultural politics and find amazing reads. You can cuddle up in a corner and relax. And you can meet Charles Leakey, the man who has built the used book empire there. You can hear his take on books and life in this latest podcast .
Beautiful to look at and beautiful to hear.
And you will also hear the bells of St. Andrew’s Cathedral that sits in the center of town. It’s bells can be heard to the outskirts on a Sunday morning. You can also hear all about change ringing in Scotland from someone who does it and loves everything about it, if you happen to be lucky enough to catch her, which I was.
Listen to their stories on this podcast: The books and bells of Inverness, on Erin’s Isle.