Mythical Ireland
Ireland has monuments and standing stones, passage tombs and Dolmens all over the Island. But there is quite a concentration of monuments in the northeastern corner of the country. And it’s come to be known as Ireland’s Ancient East.
Newgrange Passage Tomb in Ireland’s Ancient East
They are believed to have been for pagan worship. And while no one knows exactly what went on there, Anthony Murphy has some pretty good ideas. You see he has studied them, written about them and even discovered a few himself.
Anthony Murphy, author, researcher and discoverer.
He’s written books like the Island of the Setting Sun, Dronehenge and Mythical Ireland: New light on the Ancient Past. And he’s considered an expert in his field.
Cremated remains have been discovered in many of the passage tombs which seems to fuel the idea they were used to honor the dead. And he says many were thought to be places of worship, while others were more considered places built for passage to other realms.
And current Irish Magic…spiderwebs glistening with Irish mist.
You’ll get the connection when you listen to this episode of Erin’s Isle.