A Traveler's Delight!

The unexpected enhances every trip. In this case I had missed a tram from one train station to another and by the time I got where I needed to be, even dashing through the station, I miissed my connection to Galway. The downside was that I would be delayed two hours. But I’ve learned that when you can’t change something, you might as well find a way to make it work. So I resigned myself to being delayed for the day and got a ticket for two hours later. And then I heard a lovely voice above the general train station rumble.

A lovely woman was belting out Oh Danny Boy and playing her heart out on a piano that apparently was placed there recently just for this, people to enjoy.

Of course a crowd slowly gathered round. Before she got to the end of Oh Danny Boy a lot of people were joining in. Then came The Fields of Athenry and everyone waiting just got lost in the moment. She got up a couple of times and her audience urged her to sit back down. And so she did.

She sang for 45 minutes and never took that handbag off her shoulder. Sure and I was two hours later than I’d expected, but it slowed me down just long enough to enjoy something you just don’t see every day.