An Irish Adventure You Don't Want to Miss!
Picture yourself riding along the beaches of Ireland with the wind in your face the the sound of your horse’s galloping in the water all you hear. It is one of those things a lot of people put on their bucket list. And in Ireland it is a very popular adventure offered by stables all along the coast.
In the village of Cleggan in Connevara, the Beach Riding Center is the place to go. They have dozens of horses of every temperament and size, experienced guides and they offer a trek along the mountains to Omey Island.
“It’s a tidal island so we can only go when the tide is out,” says Johann as she readies horses for her next trip out. “And it is amazing to gallop or run your horse in the water along the beach. I mean you learn some of the history of the area and the horses along the way, but as soon as we hit that beach the riders and the horses all know we are in for a real treat.”
As she’s talking she’s washing off a horse named Chip, who has found mud rolled in it. “I love Chip, he is so good with children and beginners and with the experienced riders too,” she says. “But he has a personality alright. He loves the mud. It can be the smallest amount, and if he finds it he will roll in it.” She and another guide are shampooing his hip and his side turning him white again for his next rider. And he seems to be enjoying the attention.
Oh Chip! A pony who loves the mud!
Experienced riders and beginners are paired up with ponies and Johann watches them through a few drills in the arena, just to make sure they are matched well before they head out of the stables toward the beach. It’s one of those things some people are dying to do, and others are intrigued when they see it’s available. Either way, if you have even an inkling to try it, don’t miss out. And be sure and reserve a spot because it is a popular attraction in the summer months.